Star Trek – Miscellaneous

Filename | Player | Description |
chirp.mp3 | | Communicator sound |
communi.mp3 | | Another communicator sound |
dooropen.mp3 | | Sound of door opening on the Enterprise. |
finale.mp3 | | Music played at the end of each TOS episode. |
foodrepl.mp3 | | Food replicator sound. |
intro.mp3 | | Intoduction played at the beginning of each TOS episode. |
krkspk01.mp3 | | Kirk: Mr. Spock, analysis of that last burst of noise before we started losing power. Spock: That sound was the turbulence caused by the penetration of a boundary layer captain. Kirk: What boundery layer? Spock: Unknown. Kirk: The boundery layer between what and what? Spock: Between where we were and where we are. Kirk: Are you trying to be funny Mr. Spock? Spock: It would never occur to me captain. |
nomaderr.mp3 | | Nomad: You are in error. You are a biological unit. You are imperfect. |
notrib.mp3 | | Kirk: Scott, you didn't transport them into space did you? Scott: Captain Kirk, that'd be inhuman. Kirk: Well where are they? Scott: I gave them a very good home sir. Kirk: Where! Scott: I gave 'em to the Klingon's sir. Kirk: You gave them to the Klingon's? Scott: Aye sir. Before they went into warp I transported the whole kit'n kaboodle into their engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all. |
phaser1.mp3 | | Phaser sound. |
photon.mp3 | | Photon torpedo sound. |
pike01.mp3 | | Captain Pike: There's a way out of any cage and I'll find it. |
pike02.mp3 | | Captain Pike: Where in a menagerie...a cage. |
trek.mp3 | | Funny |
trekdoor.mp3 | | Another sound of door opening on the Enterprise. |
whistle.mp3 | | Intercom whistle. |
compspk.mp3 | | Computer: Spock--serial number: S179-276SD. Service rank: Lieutenant Commander. Position: First Officer, Science Officer. Current assignment: USS Enterprise. Commendations: Vulcanian Scientific Legion of honor. Awards of valor: Twice decorated by Starfleet Command. |
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